
TuneStorm is an app designed for musicians and music lovers, enhancing the music creation process with integrated brainstorming, collaboration, and feedback, all powered by an intuitive AI musical assistant. This smart feature suggests new ideas for editing, changes, and musical improvements. Users can record their voices and sounds, converting them into musical instruments, and easily navigate editing and modifications through human language prompts and voice control, all guided by the app’s advanced AI.


The recent advancements in AI are rapidly changing the landscape. Improved algorithms for sound generation, machine learning models that better understand and predict musical patterns, and more user-friendly interfaces for AI music tools are leading to increased adoption. AI is now being seen not just as a tool for creating music but also as a collaborator that can enhance the creative process, offering new possibilities that were not feasible before. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that AI’s role in audio and music will become more prominent and widely accepted.


Creating an app that will simplify the music creation process. TuneStorm, driven by AI technology.

Simplify and Innovate: TuneStorm uses AI to make music creation easy and fun. It’s all about turning ideas into tunes effortlessly.

Voice-Powered Music: Your voice is your instrument. The app’s AI gives smart tips for improving rhythm and style.

User-Friendly: Easy for anyone, TuneStorm guides you with intuitive prompts, no matter your skill level.

Edit with Ease: Layer tracks, edit, and tweak with a simple, flexible studio tool. Music making made accessible for all.

Short and sweet: TuneStorm is about making music creation a breeze for everyone.

The Studio

It all starts with a clean welcome screen that allows you to start recording a new track or prompt any idea you have in mind. It could be a song you love or a style from a well-known musician, a rhythm style you want to follow, stuff like that.


The user can easily navigate and choose whether they want to record new tracks, add drums and percussion, sample voices and invent their unique instruments, upload audio or video tracks, and more.


It all starts with a clean welcome screen that allows you to start recording a new track or prompt any idea you have in mind. It could be a song you love or a style from a well-known musician, a rhythm style you want to follow, stuff like that.

Convert to Instrument

The user can easily navigate and choose whether they want to record new tracks, add drums and percussion, sample voices and invent their unique instruments, upload audio or video tracks, and more.

Choose Drummer

The user can choose a drummer by listening to their playing and setting additional characteristics for their drum set and the nature of the performance.


The app AI engine can perform all kinds of tasks and suggestions depending on the user’s imagination and creativity. The user can choose textual or voice prompting.

Here are some examples of prompts:

  1. Tempo Adjustment: “Recommend a tempo change to make the song more upbeat.”

  2. Add Instrumental Break: “Insert a 16-bar instrumental break after the second chorus.”
  3. Extend Intro: “Lengthen the song’s intro by 12 bars to create a more gradual buildup.”
  4. Instrument Ideas: “Suggest additional instruments for a dynamic boost in my piece.”

  5. Vary Drum Patterns: “Infuse variety by changing the drum patterns in the middle section.”

  6. Smooth Transitions: “Suggest smoother transitions between song sections.”
  7. ntegrate Background Effects: “Integrate subtle background effects, like rain sounds, in the bridge.”

  8. Key Change Climax: “Suggest a key change for a climactic final chorus.”